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[Philippines]Cotabato (Polloc) Port

source:Shippingchina author: time:2007-11-22
Port :
Cotabato (Polloc) Port


Location Latitude -07o 15' N Longitude 124o 11' E of Illana Bay (NE) coast of Mindanao Island. Cotagbato City, Maguindanao
Port Area Total Port Area: 5,200.5 sq.m.
Operational Area: 4,697.5 sq.m.
Commercial Area : none
Anchorage The anchorage along the southern margin of Polloc Harbor provides good shelter of water.
Land Access The Cotabato Wharf is accessible by land through all forms of transport facilities to any place in the Cotabato through modern concrete roads, the Cotabato - Davao national road and the Cotabato - General Santos national road.
Turning Basin Rio Grande de Mindanao Entrance
Climatological Condition Mindanao is in the Doldrum Area where the winds are generally light and rainfall is heavy.  The mean yearly precipitation is 2.182 mm. at Cotabato.  The area has a monsoon type of climate with winds presominantly north easterly in the open sea between October and April and southwesterly from May to September.
The effects of typhoons on seas in the Cotabato area are minimal and no significant waves attributed to either typhoons or tsunamis have been reported.
Navigational Approach Timaco Hills
Seismic Condition The strongest known earthquake which struck Cotabato took place at about 1215 hours 17 August 1976.  The tremor which recorded and inensity from 8-8.5 in the Ricer Scale brought in an estimated 20-foot tsunami surging inland along the coastal towns of Cotabato and Lanao del Sur.
Tides The tIdal cycle is semi-diurnal and synodic form:

Highest astronomical tide EL +2.3m
Mean high water springs     +1.9
Mean high water neaps       +1.5
Mean low water neaps        +0.6 
Mean low water springs      +0.2
Lowest astronomical tide   +0.3
Storm Occurences Mindanao is below the main typhoon belt and only minimal effects have been observed at Cotabato as a result of occasional typhoons over the island.  This is thought to be due to the consistent nature of typhoons in this region which travel SE to NW.
Description Reinforced concrete general purpose wharf on steel sheet piles handling domestic general cargoes and passengers.
Berthing Facilities 360.14 meters berthing length of wahrf with a controlling depth of 2m meters alongside.
Cargo Handling Cotabato Center Integrated Port Service Inc., Shariff Kabunsuan Blvd., Cotabato City
Pilotage Not compulsary
Bunkering Available from Anais Bunkering
Chandling Unlimited fresh and dry provisions are availbale through authorized Cotabato Shipchandlers
Mooring/Unmooring Serviced by Cotabato Center Integrated Port Services, Inc., Cotabato City (COCIPSI)
Towage Serviced by PKS Shipping Co., Inc.
Watering Service Supply by Loyola Water Supply
Fumigation Services BPQ, Cotabato City
Regular Shipping Companies Amigo Shipping Lines
Aida Shipping Lines
Biruar Shipping Lines
Nora Transport Co. Inc.
Farida Shipping Lines
Sultana Shipping Lines
Cotabato Shipping Corporation
PKS Shipping Lines
Buayan Shipping Lines 

Released Date:
Sep 19, 2007

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