THE Hong Kong Government will support advanced technology, foster R&D and facilitate its application in an increasingly digital economy, Hong Kong Commerce Secretary Frederick Ma told a recent GS1 Hong Kong Supply Chain Management conference.
Mr Ma said that between 2004 and 2006, the government had invested over HK$330 million (US$42.5 million) to support a total of 85 R&D projects under the Guangdong / Hong Kong Technology Co-operation Funding Scheme.
"Hong Kong's success as a logistics hub makes it an unparalleled supply chain base," said Mr Ma. "Located at the centre of a global and multi-modal network of cargo and transport routes, Hong Kong offers choice, flexibility and efficiency," he said.
Also speaking was Yun Xian Chen, mayor of Foshan, a municipality of 3.3 million in central Guangdong province immediately north of Hong Kong. Dr Chen pledged to make Foshan's downtown Chancheng district among the most important RFID industry bases in China.
Philippe Giard, chairman of GS1 Hong Kong, urged Hong Kong enterprises to adopt best practices and enabling technologies. "Globalisation, proliferation of product variety and the increasing complexity present overwhelming challenges to business. We must equip ourselves to seize challenges and turn them into opportunities," said Mr Giard.
Founded in 1989, GS1 Hong Kong is a non-profit industry support organisation committed to enhancing local competitiveness through encouraging global supply chain standards, best practice and new technology. As GS1's local chapter, GS1 Hong Kong is the only organisation authorised to issue and administer GS1 identification numbers in Hong Kong.