Company Profile
Unyson Logistic is a division of Hub Group Inc. providing complete transportation management services encompassing all customer needs, including but not limited to; Intermodal, truckload, LTL, Air Fright, and Ground Expedited services. Unyson Logistics main web page is Unyson parent company Hub Group is a 1.4 Billion Dollar non asset based Transportation Company doing business since 1971. Hub Group operates through a network of over 30 offices throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, and Europe.
Critical Issues
The first issue: To Create a one source, uniform, seamless information tool from several sources of data being pushed by multiple vendors. The second issue: To make this tool user friendly for both Unyson and its?clients. Current process: Unyson received records of shipments from their vendors through an e-mail Excel spreadsheet. This required a high level of manual processing and was troublesome due to inconsistencies in the data that was provided. These inconsistencies impeded data analysis and prohibited the development of additional information resources. Unyson also wanted their customers to be able to look at the status of their shipments at any point in time. In addition, Unyson wanted their clients to have the ability to pull reports at any time of the day and be assured they data would be accurate.
Alto Solution
Alto designed and implemented an ASP.NET web application that focuses on providing both Unyson Logistics and their clients with automated shipping information. The site also establishes a web presence specific to Unyson Logistics, differentiated from that provided by their parent company, Hub Group.
The site provides detailed shipping information specific to the client that can be used by the client to track all of their shipments including information on delivery status and costs of individual shipments. Security is implemented throughout the site to only allow access to data that is relevant to a particular client’s login.
Comprehensive shipping information specific to the location is used by the locations to determine profitability. In addition, centralized data is available to Unyson Logistics administration to analyze vendor performance and maintain high levels of customer service.
Data is sent by vendors using an XML web service. After it is validated and imported into the database, it is then made available on the web site for client review and reporting.