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[South Korea]Chinhae Port

source:Shippingchina author: time:2007-11-22
Port :
Chinhae Port
South Korea


The Port of Chinhae is located in Chinhae Harbor on the southeast coast of the Republic of Korea. The Port is approximately 22 nmi west of much larger and busier port of Pusan. In addition to being the site of the United States Navy command of Commander Fleet Activities (COMFLEACTS), Chinhae is also the principal Naval Base of the Republic of Korea (ROK) fleet.

Fleet Activities, Chinhae comprising approximately 84 acres, is adjacent to the Republic of Korea Naval Base, Chinhae, Korea. CNFK DET & NAVCOMM DET are located on the adjacent ROK Base approximately 1 kilometer away. Chinhae is a port city with a population 130,000, located in the province of Kyong Sang Nam Do on the southeast coast of Korea.

Released Date:
Sep 14, 2007

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