- Whirlpool--Taking a Customer-Centric Approach
Supply chain management was not always a competitive advantage for Whirlpool. In 1999, Penske initially partnered with Whirlpool as its single logistics provider for the Quality ex……- Whirlpool Corporation:Evolution of a Supply Chain
Summary Whirlpool Corporation is the worlds leading manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances, with annual sales over $19 billion, more than 80,000 employees, and over 60 ……- mission--Optimizing Today's Network for Tomorrow's Savings
What does the future hold for the Penske/Mission Foods team? More savings, of course. The team is testing new cellular PDA devices for the tracking of returnable containers. Penske……- mission--Delivering Transportation Savings, Plant by Plant
In January 2000, Penske began implementing its transportation savings strategy throughout Mission Foods' plant operations. The Penske/Mission Foods team tackled network and cost-do……- mission--Setting the Standard ?Penske Lays the Foundation for Measurable Results
Penske’s first task was to establish key performance and financial indicators (KPIs and KFIs) as benchmarks for measuring success. To do this, Penske became a participating member o……- mission--Getting Started
In 1998, the company plant in Fresno, California realized the need to change their distribution and transportation processes. In an effort to increase productivity and reduce opera……- Mission Foods: Quality Enhanced By Unifying Procedures and Benchmarking Progress
Summary Since 1949, Mission Foods commitment to quality has made it one of the largest processors of tortillas in the world. Operations in Mexico, the United States and Central Ame……- knoll--Reduced Transportation Costs, Increased Productivity, Improved Customer Service
By January 2003, Penske and Knoll had reached their goal with little interruption to Knoll's overall business operations. Knoll customers were now receiving orders in a single ship……