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[Myanmar]Myanmar International Terminals Thilawa (MITT)

source:Shippingchina author: time:2007-11-22
Port :
Myanmar International Terminals Thilawa (MITT)

Port Introduction

Myanmar International Terminals Thilawa (MITT) is Myanmar's first purpose built, multi-purpose international container port. MITT is strategically located at Thilawa, close to the mouth of the Yagnon River - and adjacent to the Special Industrial park, Thanlyin-Kyauktan.
MITT, just 25 kilometres from the downtown of the the nation's capital, Yangon, provides world-class service with berthing capacity for five ocean-going container vessels. MITT's experienced management team has the support of HPH's extensive track record in container terminal management.

Customers Focus

MITT provides a comprehensive range of quality and efficient services to the shipping industry 24 hours a day. The terminals' modern facilities and professional trained staff, strive to provide the highest level of customers service possible.

Myanmar International Terminals Thilawa
Berth 5-9, Thilawa, Kyauktan Township
Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: 95-56-25250 or 25252
Fax: 95-56-25253 or 25254

Released Date:
Sep 18, 2007

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