WUHAN Iron and Steel Group Co. signed a long-term transport contract and a five-year vessel-leasing agreement with Zodiac Marine, Xinhua reported. According to the vessel-leasing c……
YAOHAI district of Hefei city in Anhui province will witness the completion of three big logistics projects in 2008, Xinhua reported. They include the CNY400 million (US$53.25 mill……
DAITO Corporation, a member of the K Line, has installed a new environmentally-friendly hybrid transfer crane at K Line's container terminal in Yokohama. The crane manufactured by ……
BEIJING expects to raise from five to 20 per cent the amount of perishable agricultural produce moved through cold chain logistics systems, says National Development and Reform Com……
VANCE Bioenergy, a Malaysian bio-diesel company, said it was able to build its new plant faster than expected because of efficient logistics provided by TNT, which air freighted ke……
THE rapid growth in trade with China has created unprecedented complexity, costs and choke points in thousands of global supply chains, says Brian Lutt, president of APL Logistics.……
PORT of Shanghai's Yangshan Phase 2 terminal project has passed China state government's acceptance inspection, reports Xinhua. Yangshan phase 2 project has been on an eight-month ……
Zhuhai has become the second city after Guangzhou in Guangdong province to draw up port use guidelines, Xinhua reported. Besides specifying the operation procedures, security, safe……